The Voices

New York - Accra - London

Monday, September 27, 2010



While cruising down a busy Ohio street the front wheel of a delivery van fell into a pothole left uncovered by utility workers the previous evening. The impact was so severe it damaged the front ends and incapacitated the van from completing the rest of its route. The owners of the van and the driver filed legal actions against the city and the responsible maintenance crew for negligence and ensuing damages.They won big not because they deserved to be compensated beyond the norm but because their verdict was purported to heighten awareness of shared responsibilities by local government and citizenry, a sine qua non composition within societal peripheries.
Driving on the streets in Ghana is an abrasive exercise of dual misfortunes: dealing with bad roads and stagnant traffic. A large number of visitors to Ghana leave our shores with favorable impression of our hospitality and harmonious co-existence but leave sharp remarks about poor roads and traffic lawlessness.
It is very obvious that our leaders have let us down over road constructions and maintenance. It is bad enough that the roads are bumpy and rough : they bear no names neither for driving directions nor for addressable delivery.
With youth unemployment hovering around forty per cent It would be a prudent exercise of leadership initiative to utilize services of these youths to put up name signs on every street accross the country. Imagine the unending benefits to drivers, mail delivery,visitors and other identifiable venues . Folks, this can be done with no dispensation of fraudulent contractual assignment to cronies or some party loyalists as conditions but with honest willingness to offer Ghanaians in need real opportunities to lift us up from embarrassment and neglect.
Neglect breeds nonchalance and lawlessness - behavioural traits of many drivers who express their frustration with awkward behaviours and open disrespect for the law. As previously alluded neglect and lawlessness are shared responsibilities of government and citizenry. Who must take the first step ? ... To Be Continued

Dr Tommy de Laurence
Ghana Telescope


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