Re :Biometric registration and verification of voter identities
The core issue is that you liberal arts boys are worrying about the integrity and so forth but technologically, Ghana is not prepared for the Biometric system, Period!!
Look, Ghana ordered a $6 million machinery to monitor cell phone usage and tracking and the people who ordered the equipment had no clue about technology. An insider tells me they had to abandon the equipment and buy another one – and this time from the US Silicon Valley right here and I was there in Fremont, California to see the equipment and meet some of the engineers.
Look, ignorance is part of it but corruption and what people will get by buying certain equipment is killing us.
Due to our poor laissez-faire leadership, we are losing money in the tons of millions since some things the president may not understand and will not ask the right people, and some things the officials around him are simply thieves trying to steal through useless purchases!!
Performance of an equipment can break whatever intent they had in buying this sophisticated equipment that is not even being used in the Americas. Look, let me tell you all – some of these equipment will fail once electricity is interrupted and re-started and a voltage or current spike of more than say 10% hits the input circuits! I used to make a good living analyzing failed integrated circuits and I know what I am saying. These equipment, purchased for perhaps some $50 million or whatever, will not last in the dusty and humid atmosphere we live!! Period!! Electronic components may fail 2-10 times faster in high humidity and high temperature environments.
I wish people like President Mills will learn to accept that his colleagues who studied Science and Engineering overseas of his age and experience, are not doing “unskilled labor” as he thinks. I have to say that ignorance is costing Ghana hundreds of millions if not billions and our children and grandchildren will pay the price and the blame will go in history on the head of the presidents such as Mills and Kufuor and Rawlings who have set our nation to rot under ignorance and naivete and now being sold to Chinese or Koreans or Zimbabwean whites with no strong contracts to protect our people and nation!! It is in the latter that Kwame, Azar, some of you come in. However, when it comes to the technology to us, it is our area to tell you that what they are doing is bogus!! Period!! I’d like my old friend Dr. Afari Djan to communicate with me if I can find his email address. If I am wrong, of course I want to be proven wrong.
Michel,, are you there?
We need to help resolve this but I am afraid it’s too late they have already bought the equipment and taken their commissions.
Dr. Kwaku A. Danso
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